United Airlines still has 2 tickets from Houston for $ 450 each.
Flying back Saturday or Sunday involves flying to Denver and changing
planes. ( that sucks ). Flying back Monday, would be a short 2 hour
Flying back Saturday or Sunday involves flying to Denver and changing
planes. ( that sucks ). Flying back Monday, would be a short 2 hour
Apparently, the airport is less than 45 minute drive to the Santa Ana Star Center.
It would seem that it would be more practical to fly to the convention for attendees from Houston.
If I were totally insane, which I just may be, I would purchase the ticket right now, tonight, and take a huge gamble that I will be able to go.
If I wait a few days, the price will go up and the seats will be sold, so I will lose that option and be forced to drive like previous years ( Nevada, Missouri, Florida, Vermont, California, etc ).
I think I have driven to Albuquerque before and I know I have driven from Albuquerque to Carlsbad. I have been on the tram to Sandia Peak. And driven to Raton Pass once and another time to Clovis from Houston or from Dallas or College Station over the last 35 years. I have been all over Clovis/Portales several times, and to Lubbock several times. ( My step-grandparents are buried in Inez, New Mexico and I have been there several times. My step-father has a few acres of a vacant flat patch of land near there. ) I have driven all over southern New Mexico and even in the Gila Mountains near Mogollon.
The point is, that I have done enough driving in New Mexico for one life-time, so I should fly out there.
So lets say for grins, I landed at ABQ on the 16th or 17th, what would I do ? Take a city bus to Rio Rancho ??
How would I get back to ABQ on the 23rd or the 24th ?
My other difficulty may actually be who would take me to HOU and pick me up at HOU. I might be better off to just keep my motel paid for the week and take a city bus to HOU.
David Locklear
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